Partners & Resources

These organizations are committed to supporting Black families with young children in East Contra Costa County. They are actively involved in our Ready Kids East County efforts, providing tools and services to help you navigate the early years of your child’s life.

In addition to the organizations above, we also partner with organizations that are playing a key role to create lasting impact for Black families in East Contra Costa County.

  • Antioch Unified School District
    Supporting the personal and intellectual growth of each student, and for our graduates to be productive and well informed citizens.
  • California Abundant Birth Project
    Provides financial support and resources to help improve birth outcomes for people of color, who face higher risks in childbirth due to systemic racism, lack of access to healthcare, and other social determinants of health.
  • NAMI Contra Costa
    Providing outreach, education, support and advocacy to families and individuals in need of help dealing with mental illness.
  • Office of Racial Equity and Social Justice
    Supports the County’s efforts to strengthen and expand equity, access and inclusion for all county residents and communities, especially those most impacted by racial and socioeconomic disparities.
  • Pittsburg Unified School District
    Inspires students to ensure they achieve equity in academic excellence and to bring students closer together through shared experiences in learning.
  • Tandem, Partners in Early Learning
    Through StoryCycles, families participate in a school-to-home book lending program that provides children with diverse books in order to create more opportunities for book-sharing experiences at school and at home.